Incontinence of a very light nature
3 out of 10 drops – is Normal
Incontinence of a light nature
4 out of 10 drops – is Normal Plus
Occasionally leaks small amounts of urine. Incontinence products such as these are recommended for people who leak when exerting pressure on the pelvic floor due to (for example) sneezing, coughing, or exercising.
Incontinence of moderate severity
5 out of 10 drops – is Extra
The bladder may empty part of its contents at once or over time, depending on the individual. Even if the person has some control over their continence, they may still need some protection from time to time.
Incontinence of severe severity
6 out of 10 drops – is Extra Plus
Those who empty most of their bladder gradually throughout the day. Although the individual may have some control over their continence, they still need protection most of the time.
Incontinence of severe to very severe severity
7 out of 10 drops – is Super
For people who empty most of their bladders at once. In spite of the fact that the person may have some control over their continence, they want to be protected in case of an accident.
Incontinence of a very severe nature
8 out of 10 drops – is Super Plus
For people who empty their bladders gradually throughout the day. In general, this person does not have any control over their continence, but does not require a product suitable for large gushes.
Incontinence of extreme severity
9 out of 10 drops Maxi
When a full bladder of urine is emptied at once without control.